Piercing in
Tallinn & Rakvere

We perform various body piercings all over the body using the freehand needle technique. This is the safest and most contemporary way to pierce. “Freehand” means that we only use our hands as the piercing instrument and don’t use clamps or forceps, which usually feel uncomfortable or even painful to the client. Needle method causes less trauma than other methods since the blade is specifically designed for body piercing. Therefore the piercings tend to heal quicker and without complications if you follow the proper aftercare directions.

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Are you a minor and coming to get pierced?

All minors who wish to come to BONNIE&CLYDE Piercing for piercing must have the consent of a parent or guardian.

Send the completed and digitally signed form to our email augustamine@bc-jewelry.eu at least 24 hours before the reservation, unless the reservation is made within a shorter period of time.

Important Information

All minors who wish to come to BONNIE&CLYDE Piercing for piercing must have the consent of a parent or guardian. You can download the consent from our website. Download consent

Send the completed and digitally signed form to our email augustamine@bc-jewelry.eu at least 24 hours before the reservation, unless the reservation is made within a shorter period of time. In this case, please send us the proof as soon as possible.

If we have not received the parent’s proof in time, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation unilaterally.

If a child between the ages of 9 and 12 wants to get pierced, please contact us in advance to find out if the child is mentally ready for it and understands the content of the procedure and the importance of proper follow-up care.

The information in the table is not set in stone. As many as there are different people, there are also different situations. (: The most important thing is to listen to your piercer’s recommendations and advice.

It takes one month for scar tissue to form around the jewelry. If you play with jewelry in the first month, your piercing will never heal!

The wound heals from the outside in. The outside looks okay, but the inside doesn’t. Changing too early damages the tissues and the healing starts all over again.

Proper aftercare is very important for a fresh piercing. Even a perfectly made hole can become inflamed if it is not kept clean. It’s also important to follow the riveter’s instructions on when to change your primary jewelry to prevent the jewelry from growing crooked, damaging the piercing, or migrating the jewelry.

Everyone’s body and lifestyle is different. Follow your body to find out what works best for you. The healing of the body and the hole is affected by your lifestyle as a whole (stress, living environment, diet, smoking, exercise, habits, etc.). If you are not sure what is best for your piercing, feel free to contact your piercer and he will advise you on how to behave better. 🙂

The idea of cleaning a healing hole is to remove dead cells and dirt and bacteria that have accumulated during the day. Basic cleanliness and attention to the healing hole is all that is really needed.

After making a hole, it is enough to wash the body and the hole site with warm water and soap. The soap should not be heavily scented – it can irritate the fresh hole. In addition, the hole must be cleaned after swimming, tanning, sweating, etc. NeilMed NeilCleanse Piercing Aftercare, which we recommend cleaning your fresh piercing twice a day or according to the piercer’s instructions, helps support and speed up the healing process. Remember that too much cleaning can irritate the healing hole.

Oral piercings are kept fresh by the Easypiercing oral piercing care tool (reference to the product in our e-shop), which is convenient and easy to use to ensure oral hygiene and easy healing of a fresh piercing.

Slight redness and swelling are normal for a fresh piercing. To support healing, it is good to use NeilMed NeilCleanse Piercing Aftercare, which you can buy from us when you come to get pierced. The product is also available in our e-shop. Buy here.

A chamomile tea compress can also be applied to a fresh piercing, but it remains weak for a piercing prone to inflammation and still needs a salt solution with the right concentration, which is NeilMed NeilCleanse Piercing Aftercare. Sterile saline and chamomile tea help treat inflammation and prevent infection. They also stimulate blood circulation and speed up healing.

Do not use common table salt for cleaning, as various substances have been added to it that can irritate the hole. Also, do not make a saline solution yourself from sea salt, as it is impossible to achieve a solution with the right concentration at home, and instead of benefiting you, you may harm your fresh piercing.

Mouth Holes (e.g. tongue, rivets, lip) usually heal quickly and without difficulty. A healed mouth piercing can be replaced, but the hole should never be left without the piece for a long period of time. Even a healed piercing in the mouth can be closed in minutes. If you need to hide a piercing, get transparent or skin-colored jewelry. You can find the necessary products in our e-shop!

Swelling is common with fresh mouths. It generally subsides within a few days to a few weeks. Ibuprofen or drinking/eating cool things are good to reduce the pain. When sleeping, keep your head higher, try to talk less and avoid blood thinners (aspirin, alcohol, stimulants). Eat less spicy, acidic and hot foods.

You can rinse your mouth with chamomile tea to relieve swelling and soreness. Brushing your teeth and using Easypiercing mouthwash is sufficient for daily maintenance. Be sure to rinse your mouth with water for the first few weeks after smoking. Lip holes must be cleaned from the outside as well. Follow the instructions for cleaning a standard hole.

Do not play with mouth jewelry, you can injure your teeth. If you feel that the jewelry is clicking against your teeth, come and exchange it in the salon for a shorter and/or plastic jewelry. Playing with jewelry can also injure the piercing itself. Do not touch the hole with your hands, do not lick your fingers or bite your nails.

Keep your hands away. Wash your hands before touching the hole. There is no need to constantly twist or pick the jewelry — that way you only drive dirt into the wound and prolong the healing time of the piercing.

Keep makeup and hair care products away. They contain irritating chemicals. In the first weeks after the piercing, make-up and hair care products (e.g. hairspray) should not come directly onto the piercing.

Reduce smoking. Smoke contains many harmful chemicals that, in the case of oral cavity, directly enter the wound. If you must smoke, rinse your mouth with water after smoking.

If possible, avoid swimming, solarium and sauna. Sea salt is good for cleaning, but the hole does not like dirt and bacteria. Public places such as swimming pools, solariums and saunas are favorite places for bacteria. After visiting them, be sure to clean the hole thoroughly with warm water and soap. After that use NeilMed NeilCleanse Piercing Aftercare’i, which you can find in our e-shop or in the salon on site.

The healed hole no longer needs extra cleaning. It’s enough to keep the body clean and avoid re-injuring the hole (e.g. tugging and constantly picking is definitely not a good idea). It is safe to change jewelry for a healed hole, but going without jewelry for long periods of time is not recommended. Even a hole that has already healed can shrink when standing empty and make it difficult to put the jewelry back on. If you like your jewelry, wear it!

Listen to the piercer’s advice. If the piercer recommends changing the jewelry to a shorter one after a while, there is a reason for this. A longer piece of jewelry is necessary during the period of swelling, but wearing it for a longer period of time may cause a change in the position of the hole. A hole that is already healing crookedly cannot be straightened.

In the case of a navel piercing, do not wear clothes that press on the navel (like pants).

ALCOHOL irritates and dries the skin and may prolong healing time. It also burns and stings the hole and may not be as effective against bacteria as you think.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE kills bacteria, but also the healthy skin around the hole. With long-term use, it corrodes the skin and prevents the hole from healing.

CUTASEPT (and other medical disinfectants) are too strong. With frequent use, they can start to kill living skin cells. Harsh cleaning agents can also damage gold jewelry.

Buy our care tool in the e-shop – Sterile saline solution for cleaning piercing hole

You can find the valid service prices in the above online appointment booking. When booking on the website, it is possible to pay for the service through a more suitable bank link or on the spot in cash and by card.

A suitable piece of jewelry must be purchased on the spot. It is possible to pay for jewelry both in cash and by card.

We have the right to refuse to make a body piercing.

We perform piercing in various body areas using the cannula and needle method. It is safe, accurate and secure when performed by a skilled piercer! Body piercings performed with the needle method heal faster and with less effort than with the other methods. In addition, the pistol method must not be used to pierce other areas of the body except the ear (soft tissue of the ear), which unfortunately is often mistaken for…

The result is forcefully pushing a blunt object through the tissues, which is more painful and causes more swelling. Piercing with gun methid is not suitable for fresh piercings due to their design and materials. In addition, with the pistol method, the risk of contracting hepatitis is many times higher, since the piercing gun cannot be completely sterilized

In the case of cancellation of the reservation less than 24 hours or in case of not appearing for the procedure at the agreed time, Eliche Inc OÜ has the right to demand a fee of 20 euros from the customer. If you have paid for the piercing service through the payment system on the website, but you do not arrive at the agreed time and the time is not rescheduled at least 24 hours earlier, the amount paid is not refundable. NB! If during the procedure it turns out that the piercing cannot be performed for anatomical reasons, the prepaid service fee will not be returned. If payment on the spot is selected, the service must be paid for on the spot, regardless of the fact that the service has not been received.

We are located opposite the T1 shopping center in Tallinn (Kivimurru 39A) and in Rakvere at Laada 41.
Free parking around the house or on the street!

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Teenindus on suurepärane! Ja ostetud ehetega väga rahul!

2 weeks ago

Töö kiire ja korralik. Teenus oli suhteliselt valutu ning karta pole mõtet.

1 month ago

Meie pojaga jàime oma teenusega vàga rahule.Kindlasti külastame veel salongi😊❤️

1 month ago
Maarja Mehikas
Maarja Mehikasee

Täieati imeline salong ja super proffid tegijad.

1 month ago
2 months ago
Katrin K.
Katrin K.ee
2 months ago

Olen mega rahul.

2 months ago

olen vaga rahul 🙂

2 months ago
Vahendid olid korralikult puhastatud, oli suur valik ehteid, millest valida. Selgitati hästi kuidas augustuse eest hoolt...
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3 months ago

Väga sõbralik ja profesionaalne teenindus. Aitäh.

3 months ago
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