Who is BONNIE&CLYDE Body Jewelry (Piercing)?
We have been interested in the world of piercing and rivets since our early teens, but our career began when in 2017 In 2010, Airi completed her first body piercing training. Until 2022. until 2010, Airi offered piercing services in the city of Rakvere, where many, many hearts have been won to this day, and we can proudly say that for so many Airi has become their own personal piercer, and they no longer go to anyone else’s reception so jokingly.
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In 2022, we decided to join forces to create Estonia's first rivet e-shop, which has been received very warmly, and to date we have already fulfilled over 750 orders over 750 orders. We expanded in 2023 at the request of our customers. in Tallinn in the summer of 2023, and from the summer of 2023 we also have a lovely apprentice, Elise, who will deliver your orders and change piercings in Rakvere. We are also quietly learning piercing, and it is a great pleasure to announce that Elise is ready to receive you for the first piercing services!
Our goal is to raise awareness in the field of piercing and the jewelry used in it, and to offer you a safe and painless piercing experience as well as high-quality jewelry.
100% domestic company
The latest techniques, tools and jewelry
Product warranty
Customers praise!

Väga rahul! Töö puhas, kiire! Väga kliendi aitamisele orienteeritud ☺️
Toode ei muuda naba “roheliseks” ning ripats on ise kaalult kerge ning ei sega iga päevast toimetamist.
Suurepärane, välimus on super ja paraneb hästi! 🙂
Lasin teha helix ja kaks tavalist kõrvaauku. Paranesid kenasti ja tänaseks olen käinud lihtsalt helix ehteid ostmas ja vahetamas. Meeldib broneeringu süsteem ja toredad töötajad.
Väga kiire kohaletoimetamine ja tore, et kättesaamise asjus sai nii kiirelt suheldud ❤️
Väga kena kõrvaauk tuli välja,ma olen nii rahul😊!
Väga mõnus teenindus ja needi tegemine polnudki nii valus kui kartsin 🫶
Lapsele kõrvaukude tegemine muretu ja kiire. Seejuures selgitati lapsele põhjalikult protsessi ja hilisemat hooldust.
Aitäh jälle uute õpetuste eest ja teenindus jälle super nagu alati! 🙂
Ilusa rose gold värviga stiilne 4mm kuul. Mugav, kvaliteetne, sobib mu olemasoleva push-in labretiga.
Paraja suurusega 3mm kuulike sobib töökeskkonda, on mugav ja kvaliteetne. Ilus rose gold värv ja sobitub suurepäraselt mu olemasoleva push-in labretiga.